Practice areas

Legal advice, business advice and customized strategies whether you are in the early stages of your business or need advice throughout its development.
My office has a vast and complex experience in the field of commercial and commercial law in all aspects of the operation of a Company, being constantly up to date with all legislative changes and their associated practice.

Consulting, assistance and legal representation in civil-commercial disputes

1. Establishments of commercial companies/non-profit associations
2. Commercial contracts, special contracts,
3. Drafting of contracts / registrations necessary for establishment, constitutive acts, additional acts, assignment contracts, loan agreements, decisions of the sole associate, decisions of the general meeting of associates or shareholders, as well as any other amending acts of the constitutive act of a company
4. Assignment of shares
5. Increases, reductions of share capital, division, merger
6. Removal of companies from the ORC
7. Obtaining ascertaining certificates or other information from the ORC
8. Chargebacks
9. Assistance and legal representation in various commercial disputes
Given that the object: debt recovery, withdrawal, exclusion of associate from the company, annulment of AGM decisions, etc.

Contact me to find together the best legal strategy for the safety of your business, regardless of whether it is a litigation or a non-litigation matter.

Every problem has a solution. Do you want to collaborate?

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